Everyone is welcome at the Academy, come on in, subscribe and let’s find yours!
The FMTA is a virtual and in-person destination for writers, performers and dreamers of all ages. With over 25 years experience writing musicals and educating students in theatre, songwriting, dramaturgy, acting and producing, Brian Feinstein (affectionately known as “FeinLine”) created the FMTA to encourage the musical and theatrical dreamer in all of us.
Here at the Academy, we have courses ranging from the kiddies to the seniors, the beginner to the seasoned pro, and all in between who’d like to have some theatrical and songwriting fun!

Some kids grow up never knowing what they want to do. That kid wasn’t me. I always knew. But KNOWING doesn’t always make the journey easier. To choose a life in the arts is a choice born from necessity - not desire. It’s a dedication like no other, and I’ve been blessed in my career tonhave such wonderful education, support, mentors and family. Without them, I would not be where I am today. And that’s why I started the FeinLine Musical Theatre Academy.
"Brian Feinstein is the kind of composer an orchestrator dreams about:great melodies, songs firmly rooted in the dramatic structure, and most importantly, a generous and thoughtful collaborator.I'm proud to call him both colleague and friend.”
-Doug Besterman, 3-Time Tony-Award Winning Orchestrator
For Kids (Ages 5-129
SuperHero Songwriting & Play Creation

For Adults
Simple Songwriting

For Adults (By Submission only)
Musical Theatre Writers Collective

For Adults (By Submission only)
Super Seniors

The "Business" of Musical Theatre

Wellness Check-ins for Art
Service Name